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SubjectRe: SCHED_YIELD again
Borislav Deianov wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 10, 1999 at 06:04:44AM +0100, Artur Skawina wrote:
> > Borislav Deianov wrote:
> > >
> > > There's a slight change in behaviour: if a process is preempted
> > > (without sched_yield) and there's another process with exactly the
> > > same priority, the other process gets to run. In the old code the
> > > previous process runs again. This shouldn't be a problem.
> I guess this is not 100% correct. With my patch the other process
> _may_ get to run, depending on where it is in the runqueue.
> I'd very much like to see this change in behaviour (the special case
> for prev gets in my way for some other stuff I'm doing). The new
> behaviour isn't "worse" than the old one, and nothing can depend on
> the old behaviour because of dynamic priorities. And it simplifies the
> code too.

o if by "worse" you mean slower then probably yes, it isn't "slower"
o otoh it is "wrong", see below
o not to mention preempting a thread for another w/ same dynamic priority
is "wrong" -- the task switch overhead isn't justified
o RT tasks have static priorities, and would also be affected
o i don't see how this "simplifies" the code

> > Consider what happens with 2+ equal priority SCHED_FIFO processes...
> Only one gets to run until it blocks or calls sched_yield (see the man
> page for sched_setscheduler). What is the problem?

You said it above:
> I guess this is not 100% correct. With my patch the other process
> _may_ get to run, depending on where it is in the runqueue.

now, what happens if there is a SCHED_FIFO thread w/ priority=50 running
and another one becomes runnable?...

> > fixing the scheduler w/o (1) introducing new bugs, and (2) making
> > it slower isn't as simple as it seems at first sight. also there
> Sure. That's why I'm aiming for a minimal patch. I'd be happy with
> yours too, though, minus the special case for prev.

what "special case for prev"? ;) You just traded one check for

> > The only issue left is iirc the (external) SCHED_YIELD assumptions]
> Can you elaborate on this?

There is code like this (example from __get_free_pages()):
> /*
> * If we can schedule, do so, and make sure to yield.
> * We may be a real-time process, and if kswapd is
> * waiting for us we need to allow it to run a bit.
> */
> if (gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT) {
> current->policy |= SCHED_YIELD;
> schedule();
> }

this assumes the SCHED_YIELD flag will prevent the current task from
being selected if there's anything else to run. Other than being
"wrong" from a modular pov, it's also wrong because that's not what
SCHED_YIELD actually does. Not even in the stock scheduler...
(this btw means that Richards sched_yield() change is wrong -- normal
threads will _not_ be selected even if a RT task has SCHED_YIELD set)

My plan was to add a schedule_others() call and kill all SCHED_YIELD
use outside of the scheduler, but i haven't gotten around to that yet.
Other than this, the patch is as minimal as it gets -- it simplifies
the code (read: the generated code is better (smaller/faster) than
the original) while fixing many bugs at the same time. (not to mention
all /this-is-subtle/ parts are gone, and the code appears at least

If anybody can see any problems left with the scheduler i'd certainly
like to know...

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