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SubjectRe: short display with 2.1.132-ac3, matroxfb and XF86_SVGA 3.3.3
I have applied the 3.3.3 accelerated fb to XF86_SVGA,
it works ok but it still require "modeline" listed
in XF86_Config, and thus it is not 100% using the currently
configured fb mode (monitor is still resyncing while
swiching between X <---> fb virtual console)

Here is my fb mode (Matrox Millenium I):

options fb0 xres=1152 yres=900 depth=16 pixclock=9091
hslen=288 vslen=3 upper=32 lower=2 left=22 right=32
fh=85 fv=90 mem=4 nopan=1 noinit=1

and the corresponding XF86_Config modeline entry:

ModeLine "1152x900@FBdev" 90.000 1152 1176 1452 1484 \
900 902 905 935

If I don't use any modeline, it will default to "current"
at 640x480, even though my fb0 is 1152x900 :(

The good thing is Sysreq Magic now works and the acceleration
of course...

Gerd Knorr wrote:
> On 4 Jan 1999, Jes Sorensen wrote:
> > I do not say you cannot, I do say there may be problems and therefore
> > people are lucky if it works - it is not guaranteed to work as in the
> > example with the Mach64 server.
> It is supported to work. If the X-Server does crazy things with the video
> board, it _must_ reverse these on exit and console switches. It works
> with the text console, why it should'nt work with fbcon too?
> It does'nt work (some versions of??) AccelX, becauce it _allways_ switches
> back to 80x25 text mode.
> There are some boards where you can't read the current state (completely).
> With these the X-Server of cource has bad/no chances to restore things
> correctly. Blame your hardware. With such hardware you probably have the
> same problem if you try to switch between two X-Servers or between X and
> svgalib.
> Gerd

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