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SubjectRe: SB Live and Open Specifications
On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Developer Support wrote:
> As you may know, the SB-Live card uses the EMU 10K1 chipset. All
> programming information for this chipset is proprietary to EMU.
> Creative Labs is under NDA and can not release any requested hardware
> programming information for the SB-Live card.

which appears to be your international website:

E-mu Systems
E-mu Systems, Inc.
Acquired in March 1993

Hmm. So, you're telling us that Creative is under an NDA from one of it's
own acquisitions? Interesting.

> But, if you know of another company that provides sound card drivers for
> Linux and/or other UNIX systems, and can meet the NDA requirements from EMU,
> then maybe they could create SB-Live drivers sooner.

Certainly, but then the drivers would be of little global use, as they'd
be locked down from community development by the NDA in the same manner
as the OSS drivers.

> Until EMU decides to make such information public, Creative Labs can not
> provide any such programming resources.

Could you then pass these concerns along to your parent company (the
website provides no email contact information whatsoever), and request
that -they- respond to these concerns? Or provide a contact point with EMU
where those in the community can reach them?

Edward S. Marshall <> [ What goes up, must come down. ] [ Ask any system administrator. ]

Linux labyrinth 2.2.0-pre4 #1 Sun Jan 3 13:28:42 CST 1999 i586 unknown
8:20pm up 5 days, 5:01, 4 users, load average: 0.03, 0.02, 0.00

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