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SubjectRe: 2.2.0-pre4 sound problems
> I have 2 sound cards (both true soundblasters).  They are an SBPCI64
> (es1370), and an SB16 Vibra.
> The sb driver only works if it's loaded before the es1370.
> If I load the sound drivers this way, I get an oops:

Can you mail me the decoded oops please.

> Sorta off subject, is there a driver for the SB PCI 128 card? I don't
> rememebr the chipset it has (I don't think it's an ES chipset)

The PCI 128 I've seen is a PCI64 with different software. The SB Live
is something totally unrelated and Creative don't seem to want anyone to
be able to use that but them


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