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SubjectRe: mirroring inconsistency
Hi Chris.

>> Well, rsync seems to be the best currently available. The problem
>> is more with using FTP than anything; it simply isn't a good
>> protocol for automatic use.

> Whilst in theory I completely agree -- I have to say we've got
> several GB of archives that mirror using ftp (using the perl mirror
> scripts) and on the whole it does work very well... it fully
> automated, I never hear from it unless there are problems -- which
> are infrequent.

> What problems are you seeing with ftp -- I assume you are aware the
> perl mirror script has a multitude of knobs to turn to help
> alleviate some of these problems?

Personally, the ONLY problems I've had were due to bugs or faults in
the remote ftpd daemon, and are as follows:

1. Some ftp daemons do NOT support the -S option that says to
sort directory listings by size. My experience has been that
with a flaky route to the site being mirrored, the mirror
works far better with -rS specified (thus mirroring smaller
files before larger ones) than without the -S option.

Incidentally, the ftpd daemon usually supplied with the Minix
operating system used to do this, but I fixed that a while
back, and my modified version is now the preferred one...

2. One version of Micro$oft's FTP server would present filenames
in Micro$oft's broken "First letter uppercase, rest lower"
format in the directory listings irrespective of the actual
format on the disk, but 'get' didn't work unless the correct
case was used. Thankfully, M$ fixed this in the next release
of their FTP server, but I still see it occasionally...

3. There are ftpd daemons out there that insist one uses the name
'anonymous' to log in for AnonFTP and other that insist that
one use the name 'ftp' to do so. Most accept either, and it's
not hard to work out when one meets one that insists on the
"wrong" login name, then tell Mirror how to handle it...

Best wishes from Riley.


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