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SubjectRe: ip/arp problems in switched environment (kernel 2.0.36)
Volker Dormeyer wrote:
> the original MAC-Adress of the machine is 00:04:ac:fd:cc:58
> the switch translates it to 00:20:35:bf:33:1a
Hi Volker,

Ethernet and Token Ring have different bit transmit order on the wire.
LSB/MSB first is reversed. If you look at the MAC-Addresses and flip the
bits around you'll see that the switch hasn't really translated the
address. It's just the same address with the bits in each byte swapped.
You've provided too little information to precisely say what's going
wrong. A dump of the arp packets on both sides of the switch would have
helped much.

I'd carefully look at the configuration of the switch. Seems that it
already does some translations to make IPX work, maybe others are needed
for ARP. If the switch translated the MAC addresses of the packets but
not the MAC address *within* the ARP reply packet, you're lost ;-)


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