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SubjectRe: 2.2.0: ISDN is NOT completely broken

> Hello,
> since I use the ISDN subsystem as included in the kernel (2.1.132, 2.2.0pre1)
> everyday I wonder what exactly is supposed to be broken in the ISDN subsystem?

I tried compiling the 2.2.0-pre4 isdn. I can't do real testing
yet, as I am waiting for the phone company to change my line to
an ISDN line, but I saw some problems:

1. The module complained about the device being "in use" when it loaded
the first time. Could be a setup problem though.
2. The euro-isdn protocol isn't supported. I believe that is the one
I have to use, the protocol used in Germany works, but it is different.

I cannot really see the problem with accepting a huge patch for
the ISDN stuff, even this late before 2.2.0. It can't do worse than
break ISDN, and that is broken already for me. Those who don't
use ISDN won't notice, those who use ISDN want the new stuff and
it is apparently well-tested too.

Helge Hafting

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