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SubjectRe: Results: 2.2.0-pre5 vs arcavm10 vs arcavm9 vs arcavm7

On 7 Jan 1999, Zlatko Calusic wrote:
> 1) Swap performance in pre-5 is much worse compared to pre-4 in
> *certain* circumstances. I'm using quite stupid and unintelligent
> program to check for raw swap speed (attached below). With 64 MB of
> RAM I usually run it as 'hogmem 100 3' and watch for result which is
> recently around 6 MB/sec. But when I lately decided to start two
> instances of it like "hogmem 50 3 & hogmem 50 3 &" in pre-4 I got 2 x
> 2.5 MB/sec and in pre-5 it is only 2 x 1 MB/sec and disk is making
> very weird and frightening sounds. My conclusion is that now (pre-5)
> system behaves much poorer when we have more than one thrashing
> task. *Please*, check this, it is a quite serious problem.

Ok, will investigate. One thing you can test is to try out different
"count" arguments to try_to_free_pages() (this was part of what Andrea
did, btw). So instead of (page_alloc.c, line 285):

freed = try_to_free_pages(gfp_mask, SWAP_CLUSTER_MAX);

you can try different things for the second argument: the thing Andrea did
was something like

freed = try_to_free_pages(gfp_mask, freepages.high - nr_free_pages);

which could work well (one thing I'm nervous about is that this probably
needs to be limited some way - it can be quite a large number on large
machines, and that's why I'd like to hear comments from people).

> 2) In pre-5, under heavy load, free memory is hovering around
> freepages.min instead of being somewhere between freepages.low &
> freepages.max. This could make trouble for bursts of atomic
> allocations (networking!).

The change above would change this too.

> 3) Nitpick #1: /proc/swapstats exist but is only filled with
> zeros. Probably it should go away. I believe Stephen added it
> recently, but only part of his patch got actually applied.

Maybe somebody can find a use for it.

> 4) Nitpick #2": "Swap cache:" line in report of Alt-SysRq-M is not
> useful as it is laid now. People have repeatedly sent patches (Rik,
> Andrea...) to fix this but it is still not fixed, as of pre-5.

I never use it, so it hasn't been a big issue.

> 5) There is lots of #if 0 constructs in MM code, and also lots of
> structures are not anymore used but still take precious memory in
> compiled kernel and uncover itself under /proc (/proc/sys/vm/swapctl
> for instance). Do you want a patch to remove this cruft?

Some of the #if 0 code should certainly be removed. Some of it is useful
as a kind of commentary - sometimes code is removed not because it doesn't
make sense, but because the implementation wasn't quite good enough.


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