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    SubjectRe: Time??
    Hi Joseph.

    > Thanks.. I have no clue why it does this.. date yeilds CST
    > fingering a local user yeilds CST, every where but mail.. it just
    > mislables -0600 as EST.. I have no idea why.. I run tzconfig and it
    > still does nothing to change it. I will keep researching.. if you
    > find an answer please let me know..

    Can you check the output from the following command?

    Q> echo "<$TZ>"

    If that shows other than <> as output, you have a local environment
    variable that's set to say that you're in the CST timezone, in which
    case you will only see CST times irrespective of what's going on

    If so, type the following command, then redo your checks...

    Q> unset TZ

    If that fixes it, you'll need to find out which configuration file
    sets it and get rid of it...

    Best wishes from Riley.


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