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Subjectide-tape/ide-card broken in 2.2pre3 and greater
Seagate TR-4 (CONNER CTT8000-A) hooked up to a Acculogic sIDE-2/CD
isa card.
under 2.2.0pre1 and earlier, works fine.
didn't try pre2
under 2.2.0pre[3,4,5] tar gives the errors

[root@x39-22 /root]# tar -cvf /dev/ht0 mail/
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 34, key = 2, asc = 4, ascq = 1
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = a, key = 2, asc = 4, ascq = 1
tar: Cannot write to /dev/ht0: Input/output error
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1, key = 2, asc = 4, ascq = 1

and other errors like
Jan 6 21:04:23 x39-22 kernel: hdh: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
Jan 6 21:04:23 x39-22 kernel: ide3: unexpected interrupt, status=0xff,
Jan 6 21:04:23 x39-22 kernel: hdh: ATAPI reset complete
Jan 6 21:04:24 x39-22 kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = a, key =
2, asc
= 4, ascq = 1
Jan 6 21:04:25 x39-22 last message repeated 100 times
Jan 6 21:04:25 x39-22 kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 10, key =
2, asc
= 4, ascq = 1
Jan 6 21:04:25 x39-22 kernel: ide-tape: Couldn't write a filemark
Jan 6 21:04:25 x39-22 kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1, key =
2, asc
= 4, ascq = 1

I'm not a kernel hacker maybe so someone else has some idea what's
happening here. If there's any revelant info I've forgotting, just ask
Matt Kohner
Comp Sci major at U of Minnesota

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