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SubjectRe: mirroring inconsistency
Matti Aarnio wrote:

matti> bunzip2 < your.interesting.tar.bz2 | tar tvv

On Wed, 6 Jan 1999, Riley Williams wrote:

rhw> I can't try that at the moment,

BEFORE you make wild statements like the following, PLEASE try it for
yourself, before you decide to post your "authoritative" reponse to this
mailing list. Why is it that the majority of your emails to this list
start with "I can't try this at the moment" or "I'm not expert on this" or
similar, and you usually end up being wrong?

rhw> but if the tar manpage is any guide,
rhw> that won't work as tar without the -f assumes /dev/rmt0 as the input
rhw> source, and that doesn't even exist on my system...

live:/tmp# bunzip2 < kernel.tar.bz2 |tar tvv
drwxr-xr-x kemner/src 0 1998-12-29 12:44
-rw-r--r-- kemner/kemner 12630 1998-12-11 10:45
drwxr-xr-x kemner/src 0 1998-12-29 12:44
-rw-r--r-- kemner/src 6155 1998-11-14 02:07
-rw-r--r-- kemner/kemner 4942 1998-12-11 10:41
-rw-r--r-- kemner/kemner 7899 1998-12-11 10:41
-rw-r--r-- kemner/src 7033 1998-11-14 02:07

Works fine for me.
live:/tmp# tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.12
live:/tmp# dpkg -s tar
Package: tar
Version: 1.12-6

rhw> Q> bunzip2 < l*2.2*4*2 | tar tvvf -
rhw> Does that help?

That line works too, but requires an extra 3 characters that are unneeded,
at least for recent versions of tar.

rhw> As an example, here in the UK, most ISP's offer access for a flat
rhw> monthly parment, with no charge beyond that. However, they do so on
rhw> telephone numbers for which one is charged to dial to by the relevant
rhw> telecom company, and THAT charge is by the second, and in some cases
rhw> can be quite expensive...
rhw> As far as I'm aware, the USA and Canada are the only two countries
rhw> where local calls are free of charge. Certainly one pays for local
rhw> calls in the UK...

Here in Western Australia, most ISPs offer access for a flat monthly
payment on a "normal" local telephone number. For customers to ring this
number they pay AUS$0.25 (about U.S.$0.15) per call, whether the call is
10 seconds or 10 hours.

- Matt Kemner
System Administrator "Words are too feeble,
Networx Internet they cannot contain"
Western Australia Live, "Stage"
++61 8 9345 3377

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