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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] Gnumenclature was Re: IBM, was never Re: Linux Kernel
On Mon, 4 Jan 1999, Larry McVoy wrote:
> That's really great that you have it all figured out. However, there
> are people who actually use config.guess for it's intended purpose -
> as an installation/configuration aid. Given that purpose, why is it
> so hard for you to understand that:
> *-redhat-linux
> *-suse-linux
> *-debian-linux
> *-caldera-linux
> is far more useful than
> *-gnu-linux
> What's so darned hard about following that logic?

Larry, you're dead right. I wrote something to the opposite effect, but I
was not thinking in terms of .guess and similar. I should have said what I
wanted to say without linking it to this particular issue.
Certainly the -gnu before the -linux is useless, and distro-specific info
is far more useful, even though we should try to limit it's usefulness.
The sheer redundancy of the "-gnu" should be a hint to people about the
universality of GNU in Linux-based systems.

You suggest that I only post because I _do_ believe the argument can end
quickly (or something), but that is not the case.
I was trying to say (to people in general) roughly "The issue won't go
away because of your terribly witty and insightful posts. That's why there
are other places to discuss it." I was trying to demonstrate that there
was a case to answer, and that it deserved it's own forum. I argued on the
pro-gnu side, because it was mainly the anti-gnu side who thought they
could summarily dismiss the issue. (this is perhaps because the pro-gnu
people are seeking public awareness and don't necessarily want things to
end, and perhaps because the anti-gnu have seen less on this topic before)

Thankfully, the gnomenclature stuff seems to have died down, (no, I don't
claim credit for this :) though it's been replaced by you quite rightfully
pointing out that "redhat-linux" is helpful, while "gnu-linux" is
redundant, and others saying "toldyouso, toldyouso".
Maybe now they'll notice they're on the same side?

-Greg Mildenhall

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