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SubjectRe: mirroring inconsistency
Hi Peter.

>> One thing I don't like is when files on the mirror get corrupted
>> or only partially downloaded. As far as I can tell, there appears
>> to be problems with some of the mirroring packages, or
>> alternatively with the server at when it's used by
>> mirroring software, which result in the mirror getting a corrupted
>> copy of some files.

>> Don't laugh: A similar problem existed at one time with one of the
>> sites I mirror, and was due to a bug in the ftpd server at the
>> remote end. The bug was only activated by mirroring software, not
>> by the manual ftp sessions, because it only took effect when
>> commands came in at the sort of speed common with mirroring
>> software - maybe you can type a dozen or so commands per second,
>> but few other people can...

> I believe this. I have been encouraging the official mirrors to use
> rsync rather than FTP, which tends to be more resistant to these
> kinds of problems.

The package I use to do the mirroring is actually called "mirror" and
is a set of PERL scripts...

>> Incidentally, the SunSITE-UK mirror carries all files in the
>> mirrored directories, but it appears that isn't
>> that consistant about the compressor it uses. As an example,
>> whilst it has both .gz and .bz2 versions of many of the kernels, a
>> large number of the 0.xx kernels are only provided in .Z format.

> That is because gzip wasn't around back then.
> doesn't use any compressor per se...

That's what gets me - 0.01 is provided in gz and bz2 format, as is
0.12, but the rest of the 0.xx series are mainly only provided in .Z

> ...although there is a script around which converts .gz -> .bz2
> automagically. .Z files aren't seen by this script.

Perhaps they should be added - after all, gunzip handles .Z as well as
.gz archives...

Best wishes from Riley.


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