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SubjectRe: Max memory again
Hi Kurt.

>> I submitted a patch a while back that provided a set of options
>> allowing this to be set from 0.75G to 3G in 0.25G steps (using a
>> 'choice' statement with 1G as the default), and I still believe
>> this to be the best method and granularity.

> This is the better approach, I agree.

>> The patch apparently missed changing arch/i386/ and
>> wasn't applied as a result, but as I stated in a post at the time,
>> I don't know the language the said file is written in, so can
>> hardly expect to patch it appropriately......

> As said, you don't need full understanding. sed
> s/0x.0000000/NEWVAL/ will do the job.

Not if NEWVAL is a variable that depends on the user's selection, as
it does in my patch - unless the relevant configuration script tweaks
that file as well as creating .config which none of the existing
configuration scripts do...

With my patch, the relevant option allows the user to set any
hexadecimal digit in the range 4 through D as the replacement for the
dot in your example, but there's no simple means to reflect that value
into that I'm aware of, hence my query in this respect. I
never did see your answer to that query, so if you could repeat it,
it'd be much appreciated...

Best wishes from Riley.

=> Quote of the day:
=> Charles, where John had had "had", had had "had had". "Had had"
=> had had the teacher's approval.


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