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SubjectRe: Arp expire/timeout 2.1.132/2.2pre1

> Thank god - no more ulrix on that box :) - Trying to netboot Linux/Mips
> but the Prom seems to be mega-dumb ... Once it starts TFTP
> it seems not to answer arp requests anymore :(

Well, you could increase /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/eth0/base_reachable_time
from 30sec to something about twice longer, than tftp time
and, probably, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/eth0/delay_first_probe_time
to tftp time.

What is not clear: 15sec should be enough to load image.
I have an impression, that this arp entry never enters to reachable
state (i.e. server never receives arp reply) Could you make tcpdump?

> Doesnt this new Arp timing mechanism increase Arp-Request heavily ?

No, it does not. When host works normally, forward progress
notifications and lazy arping make their work and total
number of unicast pings is less than it was in 2.0.


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