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    Subjectoops after scsi reset (ncr53c8xx)
    linux crashes on my machine (Pentium 100, 64Mb) if I load "ncr53c8xx" in

    1) The crash only occurs if I attach an old CD-Writer:
    the device doesn't understand the LUN's, and the
    driver forces an scsi reset.
    2) the crash doesn't occur if I load the driver outside rc.sysinit
    3) if I add "sleep 10" arround the "insmod", then
    the computer doesn't crash.
    As far as I understand the Oops, the oops is caused during the completion of
    the scsi reset.

    The exact cause is: lp seems to be 0x88080000
    in ncr53c8xx, function ncr_complete(), line 5747:
    if (lp && lp->held_ccb)
    I don't understand yet how& why ncr_complete() was called.

    I'll try to find the problem, but I currently have 2 problems:
    1) Is there a way to to switch to 50 lines during startup?
    As far as I can see, there is some output from the scsi driver
    that has scrolled out of the screen. Nothing is logged into
    2) Is there a description somewhere how to use gdb?
    I couln'd get it to disassemble the ncr53c8xx driver.

    Please cc any answers/questions, I'm not on the mailing list.
    Manfred Spraul

    ---------- system configuration:
    .._DEFAULT_TAGS (4)
    .. _MAX_TAGS (32)
    .. _SYNC (10)
    .. _IOMAPPED 1
    undef .._PROFILE
    undef .._SYMBIO_COMPAT

    My hostadapter:
    revision: 0x12
    port address 0x7c00
    I had to switch to Port mapped Io, memory mapped Io failed completely.

    <alt>-<SysRq> still works, and if I press <Alt><SysRq><p> sereval times, I
    EIP=10:c0111080 or ..87, all other registers are constant.
    /boot/ c0110fc8 T panic.
    ------------ rc.sysinit:
    insmod ncr53c8xx
    insmod fat
    insmod vfat
    insmod hfs

    # checking filesystems
    echo "Mounting local filesystems"
    mount -a -t nonfs,proc
    ------------------- output on screen & ksymoops
    scsi: 1 host
    [further output from scsi & ncr]

    Mounting local filesystems
    Unable to kandle kernel paging request at virtual address 88080084
    -- ksymoops
    Options used: -V -o /usr/src/linux/modules -k /proc/ksyms -l
    /proc/modules -m /boot/

    current->tss.cr3=00101000, %cr3= 00101000
    Oops: 0000
    CPU: 0
    EIP: 0010:[<c481034d>]
    EFLAGS: 00010086
    eax: 00000000 ebx: c4ca0080 ecx: c3ca0ac0 edx: c3ca0ac0
    esi: c3ca0080 edi: c000ca00 ebp: 88080000 esp: c01d7eb0
    ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
    c4810400 c4811a49 c3ca0080 c3ca0080 00000046 0000000b c01d7f68
    0000000e c01fd100 c009d202 c4813df6 c3ca0080 c090780 23000001
    Call Trace: [<c0169082>] [<c4811bf1>] [<c4810400>] [<c4811a49>] [<c4814df6>]
    [<c010899d>] [<c0108ab7>] [<c0108b9f>] [<c0107acb>] [<c010626d>]
    [<c0106000>] [<c0106290>] [<c0107a20>] [<c0106000>] [<c0100176>]
    code: 8b 85 84 00 00 00 85 c0 74 38 39 44 24 24 75 32 8d 5d 40 8d

    >>EIP: c481034d <ncr_complete+bd/530>
    Trace: c0169082 <ide_end_request+5e/68>
    Trace: c4811bf1 <ncr_int_sto+55/74>
    Trace: c4810400 <ncr_complete+170/530>
    Trace: c4811a49 <ncr_exception+235/388>
    Trace: c4814df6 <ncr53c8xx_intr+26/74>
    Trace: c010899d <handle_IRQ_event+31/68>
    Trace: c0108ab7 <do_8259A_IRQ+77/a0>
    Trace: c0108b9f <do_IRQ+23/40>
    Trace: c0107acb <ret_from_intr+f/20>
    Trace: c010626d <cpu_idle+5d/6c>
    Trace: c0106000 <get_options+0/74>
    Trace: c0106290 <sys_idle+14/24>
    Trace: c0107a20 <system_call+34/38>
    Trace: c0106000 <get_options+0/74>
    Trace: c0100176 <L6+0/2>
    Code: c481034d <ncr_complete+bd/530> 00000000 <_EIP>:
    Code: c481034d <ncr_complete+bd/530> 0: 8b 85 84 00 00 movl
    Code: c4810352 <ncr_complete+c2/530> 5: 00
    Code: c4810353 <ncr_complete+c3/530> 6: 85 c0 testl
    Code: c4810355 <ncr_complete+c5/530> 8: 74 38 je
    42 <_EIP+0x42> c481038f <ncr_complete+ff/530>
    Code: c4810357 <ncr_complete+c7/530> a: 39 44 24 24 cmpl
    Code: c481035b <ncr_complete+cb/530> e: 75 32 jne
    42 <_EIP+0x42> c481038f <ncr_complete+ff/530>
    Code: c481035d <ncr_complete+cd/530> 10: 8d 5d 40 leal
    Code: c4810360 <ncr_complete+d0/530> 13: 8d 00 leal

    Aiee, killing interrupt handler

    Aiee, killing interrupt handler
    Kernel panic: Attempted to kill the idle task!
    in swapper task - not syncing

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