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SubjectRe: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
In message <>, Michael Meissner writes:
| On Sat, Jan 02, 1999 at 06:34:27PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
| > (config.guess rant: *why* the exact processor ID? About half of configure
| > scripts fall over in ECE Linux builds because they don't expect "i686".
| > This should be "x86". And if it has to be exact, where are AMD and Cyrix?)
| If you configure it for i686-unknown-linux-gnu, then the default compiler will
| compile code that is tuned for an i686 (ie, Pentium-Pro, Pentium-II), but still
| only use instructions common to all members of the x86 family. Similarly if

I'm not talking about the kernel or about gcc. I'm talking about random
packages that *won't configure on Pentium II boxes* because config.guess
coughs up "i686-...", config.sub sees it and aborts --- its patterns look
for "i[345]86-" (and occasionally "i[34]86-", in older packages). I now
keep around a replacement config.guess and config.sub for these packages.

Some of the packages which do this are fairly recent, too.

This is an autoconf issue; if you insist on tracking exact processor
versions, get rid of the charclass in config.sub or make it accept any digit
> 2. Otherwise the world breaks yet again when someone decides to detect
the next IA32 increment as an "i786", just as large parts of the world break
now on "i686".

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
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