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SubjectRe: bloat thread
Michael Loftis writes the following:
>In any event I'm very disappointed. If this is how many of you still are
>it's no wonder scoop (for was going to call it quits. This
>is BS you guys. If you rip on people you don't know, who could possibly
>HELP YOU LATER then you, and many others will LOSE OUT.

Don't let a few rude responses discourage you. If you have ideas on how the
kernel build process can be improved to provied better support for compiling
on a near-full disk, send in your diff -u. Here's what I'd like to see:

+ Ability to build from sources located on a readonly NFS mount, so the
target machine only needs to hold its .o's. Maybe you can already do this
with a symlink tree. Has anybody tried it? If it worked, then all we'd need
would be a group of public untarred NFS exported source trees.
lndir /mnt/ /usr/src/linux
cd /usr/src/linux
cp ~/mysavedconfig /usr/src/linux/.config
make oldconfig clean dep zImage modules modules_install

+ Some convenient alternative to "make modules_install" which makes sense
when compiling on a machine other than the target machine. I suggest
"make modules_tarball" which creates a tarball containing the
lib/modules/2.2.X/*/*.o directory structure.

If there was a patch available which could do these in a non-intrusive way,
the big-disk bigots would at least have to think a little bit harder before

Of course now the natural question to ask is why *I* am not submitting
patches :) the answer is that according to Documentation/Changes, I have a
dozen other things to upgrade before I can even consider 2.2 on my
"small"-disk machine.

Alan Curry

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