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SubjectRe: proper place to discuss kernel 'bloatedness'?
Chip Salzenberg wrote:
> Well, actually, it is. Anyone who can afford any computer at all
> can afford a few gigabytes these days.

That's not necessarily true. I work with a bunch of guys who make very
little money and are always scrounging parts to enhance their machines.
$200 for a disk drive is two weeks salary.

This is in Mexico where the scholarnet project is trying to put Linux in
140,000 schools and other computing centers and I work in an area where
wages are "high". The people trying to come up with this many computers
in Mexico are going to be doing a lot of scrounging old hardware with
little money to enhance machines. And those kids are going to take home
a desire to run (and grow into hackers) on Linux in a home environment
where wages are often less than $1/hr.

I personally could deal with the kernel if it grows to twice the current
size, but keeping it as small as possible is very __important__ for
Linux's expansion onto the desktop in developing nations and hence,
important for developers to keep in mind. Just a thought.


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