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SubjectRe: Be File System
Be does not probide any details on the BFS. but they probably have a working
Linux module for it in house.

apparently the book "practical filesystem design with the BFS" by the Be
filesystem engineer that wrote the BFS contains all that is really neccessary
to dig in to the guts of the BFS.

it may be a problem supporting 64bit files though. what is the current
state of 64bit file support in Linux 2.2? all you really need is
stat64() and lseek64(), of course the FILE streams wouldn't support them.
And what is the support for 64bit files under either ext2 or reiserfs? or
any other spiffy file system for Linux.

I really think that 31bit files are quite limiting(ext2).

I also did some benchmarking of ext2 vs fat16 vs NTFS vs BFS for large file
I/O (on a 6Gb ultra IDE drive).
- NTFS (under NT) did terribly at 5 Mb/s (for a > 4G file), I don't know how to
do raw I/O under NT so I can't say what the overhead is.
- ext2 did quite well at 7Mb/s but for raw I/O it gets 12Mb/s so there is some
serious loss of performance (but Linux's performance is so good it isn't
that noticeable)
- fat16 sucked
- the BFS did amazingly well (under the BeOS). it got 9Mb/s (for a > 4Gb file)
and the raw I/O speed for that drive under the BeOS was 9Mb/s.

cheers, Angus.

It would seem that Guest ( said:
> Does anybody know anything about BFS support under Linux ?
> Does anybody work on supporting this filesystem ? What about
> Be guys, do they provide documentation for their filesystem ?

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