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SubjectRe: ATAPI CDRom Error
>>>>> "Jens" == Jens Axboe <> writes:

Michael> Those VFS messages are just from me popping cd's in and
Michael> out using cdcd.

Alan> You mean the kernel logged a Disk change every time you umm
Alan> changed the disk ? Or am I missing something here

Ben> I'm getting this as well in 2.2.1 -- if xmcd is running, the
Ben> kernel logs this same message every time I insert or remove a
Ben> disk from an IDE CD-ROM and xmcd detects the disk change.

Jens> I think what Alan means is that naturally the VFS logs the
Jens> disc change, while You and Michael mean that maybe VFS
Jens> shouldn't be logging this in the first place.

Yes, this is what I mean. :) Sorry for the confusion. Since
disc-changes happen pretty often, why do we need to log this fact?

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