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SubjectRe: Bloat thread...
On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Nomad the Wanderer wrote:

> Part of the draw for linux is that it can run on anything down to a
> 386. Now unless you're willing to go buy computers for everyone who
> doesn't have alot of disk space to play with or provide cycles and
> custom kernel compiling services, SHUT UP. It's attitudes like your
> that make it REAL hard to convert people away from windows and keep
> em.

No. He called us close-minded idiots in his posting that he sent to the
list. Coming over with an attitude like that won't help his case with us.

And we did suggest some solutions but he seems unwilling to implement. As
Linus says, if you don't like it the way he does things, you can fix it.
That precisely is the point he doesn't seem to get. Eight years' of
experience and he doesn't get it? HAHA.

All he has to do (as someone suggested), download the sources and turn
it into a some form of a "BabyLinux" source tree specificially for his
requirements. Then he can build it. 40MB is sufficent if you're only
building the i386 portion of the sources.

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