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SubjectRe: Sound: DMA (output) timed out -IRQ/DRQ config error?
Jeff Rose enscribed thusly:
> "Michael H. Warfield" encouragingly wrote:

> > This was driving me nuts (ok, ok - short putt) until I saw some
> > remark about using sndconfig. I had tried different combinations of
> > esstype=????, irq=??, and dma=?? and had not gotten anything to work.
> > When I ran sndconfig, it modified my /etc/conf.modules file with the
> > following sb line:

> > options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=0 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x300

> Ya mean: options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=x330 ->
> NOT?

NOPE! That's the whole point! With dma=1 I get the errors!
I was floored with sndconfig set the 8 bit dma to 0, but it WORKED!
I'm not totaly sure WHY it suddenly works with this and not dma=1, but
it does and than invokes the first law of engineering... "If it ain't
broke don't $#@$#@ with it!"

Now that I've gone back and diff'ed the old conf.modules file with
the new one, there IS another difference that I hadn't seen before. The
mpu_io address is different. It had been 0x330. Sndconfig assigned it
to 0x300... Maybe it wasn't the dma setting????

Here is the exact line from my old conf.modules file:

options sb io=0x220 irq=10 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330 esstype=1688

Here is the exact line from my current conf.modules THAT WORKS:

options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=0 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x300

Here is an earlier line that also did not work:

options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1

Note: There are no interrupt conflicts for IRQ 5 or IRQ 10.

Just to be on the safe side... Here is what I'm going to do.
It turns out that I did jump the gun a bit and lept to the conclusion that
it was the dma setting that did the job. Turns out that there were three
changes it made. I'm going to back out each change individually and find
out what breaks what. I'll report back later... :-)

> Sob, <lazy> sob! mpu_io=0x300? arrrggghh! means my pnp ne NIC

Weeelll... That's what's working for me...

> has to be changed to support another workable I/O! Hmmmm...
> just curious what brought the change from 2.0.* -> 2.1.* ->
> 2.2.*
> for the mpu_io= change??? And also curious if NOT selecting pnp
> since the NIC is a disabled pnp NIC...never mind, shouldn't
> matter :-P

> Hmmmm, me readum more Manuals & docs! ;-)

> > That worked!

> I'm gonna try to change the mpu_io= to 0x{not conflict with NIC}

> > Obviously, I have the sound system compiled as a module... :-)

> At least I did _that_ ! :-)


> Jeff
> --

Michael H. Warfield | (770) 985-6132 |
(The Mad Wizard) | (770) 925-8248 |
NIC whois: MHW9 | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471 | possible worlds. A pessimist is sure of it!

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