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SubjectRe: Finally the 2.2.0 is out of sight :-).
At 7:21 PM -0500 1/26/99, Marcin Dalecki wrote:
>Since the "stable" developement kernel seems to be already out
>of sight maybe I would like to suggest some developement which may
>be of real interrest.
>For me personally it appears that the linux kernel is currently
>already reaching an complexity, where some serious tought should be put
>into the developement tools at use. There seems already to be
>some support for kernel profiling and live debuggin. And second there
>seems to be already an quite well done abstraction between the
>architecture dependant parts and the non dependant. Third on some
>archs there is already a way to run the kernel as a kind of user
>process inside of a VM.

Perhaps I'm missing something here, but why not use MkLinux? It's Linux
hosted atop the Mach microkernel. IIRC, you can run two Linux "servers" on
top of Mach simulatenously, and use one of them to debug the other.

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