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SubjectRe: [patch] fixed both processes in D state and the /proc/ oopses [Re: [patch] Fixed the race that was oopsing Linux-2.2.0]

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
> (c) you can check if the thing has disappeared after using it and clear
> the buffer if so.

Yes, but the problem is that when there _is_ stale data (unlikely), you
can actually do the wrong thing before.

Incrementing the page counter should fix all problems, but it's such a
subtle fix (even though it's essentially just a few one-liners) that I'm
not going to do it for 2.2.1, which I want to get out later today.

Alan, the only patch I don't have that looks likely for 2.2.1 is the
IDE-SCSI thing. Did you have that somewhere?

Right now my 2.2.1 patches are:
- the stupid off-by-one bug found by Ingo
- __down_interruptible on alpha
- move "esstype" to outside a #ifdef MODULE
- NFSD rename/rmdir fixes
- revert to old array.c
- change comment about __PAGE_OFFSET
- missing "vma = NULL" case for avl find_vma()

Holler now or forever hold your peace, because I'd like to get the thing
out in a few hours.


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