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SubjectRe: I will _not_ start accepting patches!
> Basically, I don't expect to release a 2.2.1 in several weeks, unless
> something _really_ bad comes up. And even then, 2.2.1 will just be a

IMHO the any user can crash the machine by running a core dump fix is a
bad bug. I'd like to see a 2.2.1 with just that and the ess fix pair in it
(there's another one liner compile fix for the Alpha) - add <linux/delay.h>
to sb_ess.c. I don't care that much about the Alpha one liner (sorry Alpha

I don't think you can seriously expect people to pound on 2.2.0 now that they
know anyone can crash it. Certainly in the places it gets the most beaten
- shell access/isp server world it becomes somewhat less exciting having a
bug. It also looks bad in terms of turn around time for security holes.

> I'm not interested in reports about 2.2.0ac1 or anything else with any
> non-standard patches (the only patch I suggest you apply is the "ess"
> compilation bug, and even that can be worked around by just compiling as a
> module).

Let me second this - and its why I put it in the release info - if you run
-ac patches please check if you can duplicate any problem in the unpatched
code if you can. If you aren't sure then bug me not Linus. It helps me if
I get an "only crashes -ac" it doesnt help Linus when he gets a "with xyz
extra widgets turned on" patch.


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