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SubjectRe: Quite off topic, but I'm running out of options...
Hi John,

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, John LeMay wrote:

> I am a relative newbie and I've exhausted every resource I can think of
> for trying to figure this out. If this is not the appropriate place for
> this topic, please advise me of where I should turn! Without further
> ado...
> After installing 2.2.0 (final), I receive the following messege upon
> reboot:
> Kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k binfmt-464c, errno=8
hmm - errno = 8 indicates that the executable's magic number is incorrect.
Quite odd

> request_module[binfmt-464c]: fork failed, errorno=11
And the fork fails with what looks like a memory error.

Couple of suggestions. First, compile a non-module kernel, delete all of
the kernel modules and try booting with that. That'll show if there's
some basic problem like too little memory (how much memory do you have),
or if there's a basic problem with the fork and execve code.

Second, I find it rather odd that it's requesting a binfmt module when
does this occur (before or after init is started?, what exact point in
bootup?). Consider making all of the executable supports (a.out, elf, and
misc) compiled into the kernel. Try making a modular kernel without kmod.
You _are_ compiling ELF support into the kernel, right?

Good luck,

Greg Zornetzer -
"Light shines brightest in the darkest night"

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