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SubjectRe: [PATCH] for 2 kernel bugs due to ptrace_attach() side effects

On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Eric PAIRE wrote:
> Now that the 2.2.0 is output, perhaps you will have some time to have a look
> at the fixes for the 2 bugs I found last summer when I finalized the gdb
> fixes to debug Linux multithreaded applications.

I didn't like the approach then, and I don't like it now. I don't believe
that adding another child list and a "nchildren" counter is the right
solution. The solution makes the _common_ case of not having a debugger
the more complex one, as far as I can see.

If anything, I think that the solution would be to not do the silly
re-parenting for debugging at all, so that the child list is always the
original one - and that _debugging_ would then use a separate list. That,
I feel, puts the onus where it belongs: in the debugging code rather than
on the normal parenting code. It would also get rid of p_opptr, because it
would no longer be needed (you'd instead have a "p_debugptr" pointing to
the debugging process, along with a "debuglist" that contains the list of
processes debugged by that debugger).

Think of debugging as a "secondary parent" thing, which it really is, and
if you think the current re-parenting is buggy (it certainly has some
nasty side effects, I'll agree), then you should just get rid of it rather
than add workaround code.


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