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SubjectRe: MM deadlock [was: Re: arca-vm-8...]
On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Dr. Werner Fink wrote:
> >
> > This hypothetical bit should only be set if the page is read physical
> > from the swap device/file. That means it would take one step more
> > to swap out this page again (test_and_clear_bit of both
> > PG_recently_swapped_in and PG_referenced).
> Ehh - it is already marked "accessed" in the page tables, which
> essentially amounts to exactly that kind of two-level aging (the
> PG_referenced bit only takes effect once the swapped-in page has
> once more been evicted from the page tables)

With a bit of imagination, you might even be able to
call our current scheme two-handed...

Even though it's a bit different, it seems like we
have all advantages and none of the disadvantages of
a two-handed system. The main difference is that we
do I/O on the first hand and page eviction on the
second. This gives us a buffer of ready-to-evict
pages which we can easily free when we're in a hurry.

The only thing we really need now is a way to keep
track of (and manage) that buffer of freeable pages.
I believe Andrea has a patch for that -- we should
check it out and incorporate something like that ASAP.

There are several reasons why we need it:
- we should never run out of freeable pages
because that can introduce too much latency
and possibly even system instability
- page aging only is effective/optimal when the
freeable buffer is large enough
- when the freeable buffer is too large, we might
have too many soft pagefaults or other overhead
(not very much of a concern, but still...)
- keeping a more or less fixed distance between
both hands could make the I/O less bursty and
improve system I/O performance

Rik -- If a Microsoft product fails, who do you sue?
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