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SubjectRe: 2.2.0 lock <- same here...
On Tue, Jan 26, 1999 at 10:45:02PM +0100, gandalf wrote:
> At 20:59 26.01.99 +0100, you wrote:
> >2.2.0 final locks up on my machine the same way as 2.2.0-pre8-ac1 and
> >2.2.0-pre9 did (I posted the error on the list few days ago).
> >
> I'm experiencing the same problem since pre8. I already posted this a few
> days ago.

Some additional info:

1) It happened in 2.2.0-pre7-ac5 once, too :((
2) Although the system cannot be reached by telnet, active connections are
not broken (e.g. masquerading worked even when the system was totally locked
3) All of these lock ups happened under X here with a rather heavy cpu or
disk load (kernel compilation or copying of large directories).
4) After exiting X (alt-ctrl-backspace works) no console can be reached
(alt-sysrq-r doesn't help) -- black screen :((
5) Nothing strange can be seen in any logs and, what is curious, top doesn't
show anything suspicious ( client gets the highest cpu time
and other processes have less than 10% of cpu time).
6) My configuration:
* pentium 166mmx, 64mb ram, only ide disks used during lock-ups
* kernel compiled using egcs 1.1.1 (debian packaged) with -mpentium
but no other optimizations options changed

> All I can do is push the reset button and wait till my raid devices have
> been checked =(

I advise using sysrq commands (they work even then) -- alt-sysrq-s syncs disks
and alt-sysrq-u umounts them. It doesn't prevent all fs errors, though.


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