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SubjectRe: ** Fork 1, Draft Final-2 **
Most of these suggestions were pretty good.  My new draft will be available shortly.  We need to get the ball rolling on this, now
that I've already downloaded 2.2.0. =) One question:

> --- 86,92 ----
> examination of Linux (The so-called "Halloween Document",
> ! <A HREF=""
> ! ></A>), wrote that "Linux
> ! represents a best-of-breed UNIX, that is trusted on mission critical
> ! applications, and - due to its open source code - has a long term
> ! credibility which exceeds many other competitive operating systems."
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> This is just a formatting change. We should try to make sure the
> text portion (if not the list of URLs at the bottom) reads cleanly
> when printed out even with URLs expanded.

I'm not sure what you did here. Something is screwed up in the formatting. Could you attach a text document (to me, not to the list)
showing the changes? Thanks.


Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science but they cannot chain our
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 minds or hearts..." Stratovarius Forever Free

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