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SubjectRe: interesting FS corruption(?)
On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 02:43:53AM +0100, Olaf Titz wrote:

> Got this twice in a few weeks now: suddenly, all regular files in a
> directory disappear. e2fsck finds no errors. No trace in the logs.
> This is Linux 2.1.131 with the knfsd patches, gcc 2.8.1.
> Yes, it looks with certainty like a userlevel program gone awry.
> However, I have unsuccessfully checked the usual suspects in all
> crontabs and I want to rule out any kernel problem. Has anyone else
> seen this?

Yes -- once.

I'm not sure exactly what version (I can look back) but something
recent (ie. 2.1.13x or later).

I was stress-testing the machine with a 'make -j' and seeing how bad
it would swap to test the effectiveness of some vm changes...

After I go lots of fork failures I control-c'd and stopped the build,
then a few minutes later after things had gone quiet, I did a make
clean and tried to rebuild -- only it failed!

When I checked it out, some header files had gone away. I suspected
disk corruption but e2fsck found nothing. So far, I'm lost as to why
this occurred... completely lost. My best guess so far (kernel errors
aside) is that make or some user-land utilities is doing bad things
when memory allocation fails...

If I could repeat this behavior is might be possible to track this.


OK, I reported this:

Subject: 2.2.0-pre4-ac3, heavy load and file go missing?
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 22:40:34 +1300

If it matters...


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