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SubjectRe: 2.2.0-final
Hi Tom.

>>>> 1. If I compile a 2.2.0-pre9 kernel with "make bzImage", the
>>>> resulting kernel does NOT boot up on my Toshiba laptop - it
>>>> just reports "Out of memory, system halted". Compiling a
>>>> 2.0.36 kernel with "make bzImage" results in one that DOES
>>>> boot up, and runs quite happily...

>>> Interesting - I saw this happen on my Toshiba laptop with -pre6
>>> so I switched to zImage and got it working. Once I had a working
>>> zImage, I made a bzImage with the same .conf and that one worked.
>>> I'm now running -pre9 bzImage with no problems.

>> Having read that last night, I went home and used "make zImage"
>> and "make bzImage" on the configuration that "make zImage" worked
>> on the said laptop, copied them both over to the laptop, made
>> entries in /etc/lilo.conf for both of them, then tried them both
>> out...

>> Once again, the zImage version worked, and the bzImage version
>> didn't, so there's definately something here - and, since they're
>> both built from the same configuration file...

>> Mind if I ask a couple of questions:

>> 1. How much RAM do you have, Tom?

> 32 MB.

>> 2. Is there a minimum RAM size for bzImage to work?

> Don't know.

Neither do I, but given the above answers, I have to assume it does
indeed have a minimum RAM size, and that minimum is somewhere between
the 12M that I have and the 32M that you have...

Alan: Any ideas?

Best wishes from Riley.


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