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SubjectRe: SMC EtherPower II, System Reboot in 100MBps FULL_DUPLEX, 2.2.0-pre6
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Adam Scislowicz wrote:

#I have an SMC EtherPower II PCI Ethernet Card, I compiled the driver as a
#module, which works out as epic100.o... The module loads, and network
#operations work to some extent. However when doing something that is fairly
#constant and high-speed, (ie: scp, or ftp) via the LAN at 100MBps the entire
#machine simply reboot, not a warning, OOPS, or log... After this the card
#just keeps blinking. Powering down the machine is the only way to reset the
#card into normal operation, the machine resetting does not fix it. Below I
#have included some system stats that I though could be important, but I have a
#feeling this is a hardware bug in which a workaround needs to be written.
#Linux version 2.2.0-pre6 (root@kor.tkg) (gcc version egcs-2.91.60 19981201
#(egcs-1.1.1 release)) #5 Sat Jan 9 15:35:11 EST 1999
#I will right now compile and try 2.2.0-pre9 however I didnt see any changes
#other then an APM fix that could help this, and that wouldnt explain the cards
#need to power down to operate again. I will also try compiling it as a
#non-module but again, I doubt that is the problem... I hope someone else here
#can run a similar test, it may be important that the card is in 100MBps
#Adam Scislowicz

I have an identical ethernet card, and I'll try it with the 2.2.0-pre9
kernel tonight.


Matt Busigin [Perl/Tcl/Sh/C/C++/Lex/Yacc/HTML UNIX Programmer]
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