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SubjectRe: kernel mirrors behavior changed
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Mike wrote:

> On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Jeff Millar wrote:
> > The mirror and probably others will thoughtfully (??)
> > gunzip the file as it's downloaded, at least when downloaded with
> > netscape. However, when it does this under DOS/Win it adds returns that
> > patch can't handle. The original doesn't gunzip the file, so
> > there's no text conversion problem. In addition, the ascii converted
> > file retains its .gz suffix...which is just plain wrong.
> >
> The mirrors are working correctly. It is netscape that is the problem.
> If netscape believes that it is downloading a gziped file then it will
> gunzip it, but is too dumb to fix the filename after.

Actually, it's probably a personality quirk in the web server running that
site. It's seeing the ".gz" filename extension and, rather than sending
the file with a "Content-Type: application/gzip" or "Content-Type:
application/octet-stream", it sends it with a "Content-Encoding: gzip" and
some other content-type (text, maybe?). A prefereable behavior (in my
estimation) would be for the client to ask for "patch-X.X.X" and be sent
the contents of "patch-X-X-X.gz" with "Content-Encoding: gzip" set so that
the client would use the decoded filename rathern than the filename of the
pre-encoded entity.

I've been hacking HTTP servers for too long.

ANYWAY, on to the original question!

I think you can make those MS-Mangled(TM)(R)(C) patched files usable by
piping them through something like "sed s/\r\n/\n/g", right?

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