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SubjectRe: *** Draft 8 Final - Press Release ***
> I think that the web mags will pick it up pretty quickly - that's just a
> matter of emailing them. The print ones are going to be more tricky. I think
> that we need a (small) group of people who have contacts inside these mags,
> and then they can email them. It also depends when these print mags are
> printed.

Well, I'd say just to get it to them as quickly as possible. I wouldn't trust news
organizations not to use a release before its "for release" date, so I'd wait until
the official go-ahead from Linus.

Nonetheless, it's not clear that all of these web mags have even unofficial Linux
contacts. They probably all have "contact us" type links, though I'm not sure how
often they actually read it. =) It would be best if people would volunteer *now*
for particular sites if they know someone on the inside who can direct it to the
proper place; we can divide up the other sites later, if no one volunteers.

For now, let's get a proper list of sites. The sooner we start thinking about this,
the less of a chance we will miss one. For the United States (which is the only
area I'm even moderately qualified to list), here's what I have so far:

Mainstream news
ABC News
MSNBC (yukk)
USA Today
NY Times
Washington Post
Boston Globe
LA Times

Mainstream computer news
CNET News (

Linux news
Slashdot (well, geek news)
Linux Resources (LJ)
Linux Mall (they have news)


I'm missing a lot, so augment this list with whatever comes to mind. (These are
just the sites and papers that I tend to frequently read.)

> > Volunteers...? Should we have multiple contacts, i.e., each distributor is the
> > contact for his group?
> A mailing list, eg might work. That then can be spread out
> over a number of people.

Excellent idea.

Does anyone know if one of the good Linux sites (i.e., not has a listserv
that they'd be willing to let us use? I'd be happy to set up a server on my
machine, but "" doesn't really sound terribly official, and
I don't know how forwarding behaves with listservs. I'll try it out later and see
if it works.


Kyle R. Rose "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science but they cannot chain our
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883 minds or hearts..." Stratovarius Forever Free

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