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SubjectRE: 10.2 Gig HDD
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Craig Whitmore wrote:

> I tried linux hda=1247,255,63
> I have kernel 2.0.36 (Redhat 5.2 base system)
> Booting off a boot floppy .... Loads up
> and hda: QUANTUM FIREBALL EX10.2A 9789MB w/418kB Cache, CHS=1247/255/63,
> To my Knowledge 9789MB Not Equal 10.2Gig

That is because the REAL def. of a Mega-byte of disk storage is 1,048,576.
Since the def. for memory is 1,024,000.
Many venders try to boost there apparent capacity by using the nomancature
(sp) game from math-n-science. Where a Mega-byte = 1,000,000 and a
Giga-byte = 1,000,000,000.

For ease lets say it is a 10GB disk and all the assumptions are fuzzy.

The difference we are looking at is between 1,048,576 and 1,000,000
multiplied by 1,000 (or two orders of magnitude).

48,576 X 1,000 == 48,576,000 or 48 MEG (bad verbage), note we must now
account for total number of GIGs 10.2 and 10 for the example.
Since you appear to lose 48 Meg per Gig. and we have 10 Gig, the
resulting apparent loss in 485 Mega-bytes.

Recall "To my Knowledge 9789MB Not Equal 10.2Gig"

9789MB + 485MB (the missing mass of the universe) == 10274 MB or 10.274 GB.

It is all there, it is a sales marketing lie that many vender purpetrate
(sp) on the consumer. Read the fine print on your Quantum drive and you
will see that they properly report the definition of a Mega-byte.

> If I boot up in Windows with this drive it says it should be 10263MB
> Total,Total LBA Sectors 20033055
> Windows Finds it great (there is a 8.4? Gig limit on win95?) whcih the disk
> manager fixes?
> What is the problem? Me? Linux? The Bios? The Machine? Or can't I add up
> right?

You just did not know the rules of the math nor the constants.

Andre Hedrick
The (NEW) Linux IDE guy
The APC UPS Specialist for Linux

You just need a bigger hammer, or learn how to swing the one you have better.
(C) me.....

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