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SubjectRe: Spurious (?) kernel messages in syslog when using gdb

On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 03:48:24PM -0500, Charles G Waldman wrote:

> I've noticed something unusual when debugging using GDB - of user
> processes, not the kernel - in particular I've been running the Python
> interpreter inside a debugger with a few breakpoints, and although it
> seems to be working fine, /var/log/syslog is getting filled up with
> tons of kernel messages - stuff that looks like this:
> Jan 14 15:39:30 sirius kernel: Process: python (stack=c08ffef0, task=c08fe000)
> Jan 14 15:39:30 sirius kernel: [<c01077bb>] [<c01183d7>] [<c010d935>] [<c010db95>] [<c0108642>] [<c0107bad>] [<c0107ac4>]

If I remember correctly there was a thread about this not so long ago.
Apparently there is some debug output left in the kernel sys_ptrace in
arch/i386/ptrace.c calls print_child_state or some such. However, neither my
primary or vanilla 2.2.0-pre7 source trees have it any more, so I guess you're
not running the version you think you are (either that or I've got my source
dirs really confused..)


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