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SubjectRe: maxtroxfb deadlock (and generic fbcon race?)

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Petr Vandrovec Ing. VTEI wrote:

> > I will compile a more recent kernel there and try again when I get a
> > chance..
> OK. It behaved strange, but survived.
> Results in 640x480 (virtual 640x480) are a bit worse. Console switch
> sometime takes 'visible' time (VT1 does nothing, VT2 cat */*.c) and there
> are sometime one or two cursors left on VT1 (I do not know how on VT2 as
> it scrolls up pretty fast). Sometime (80%) cursor is drawn only on screen,
> does not survive switch VT1 -> VT3 -> VT1, sometime (20%) it is written
> into underlying VT buffer and survives console switch.

I have just tried 2.2.0pre6ac2 on my alpha (udb using tgafb (640x480x8),
softcursor, UP kernel), and am getting the same cursor behaviour (several
cursors on the screen after switching, or no cursor at all until I type).
After trying for a few minutes I was able to get one line of text intended
for the heavy-scrolling vc to appear on another vc (to do this I am not
switching back and forth rapidly, I am sitting at the heavy scrolling vc
and waiting for the 'right time' to switch to an idle one..). I catted
/dev/fb0 to a file after this happened.. It is at (~1.8k). I was using
different fonts on the scrolling and idle vcs in this case,
but I was not when this happened on my p100 so I don't think the font
change has to do with the problem. Let know if you want me to try this on
my sparc..



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