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SubjectRe: Adding checkpointing API to Linux kernel
> > Andy Glew writes about the need for an NT-like (gasp!) API in the
> > GNU/Linux that would all trapping of OS system calls without recompiling
> > code. (For use in checkpoint migration facilities, which we are
> > considering adding to GNU Queue.) Recompilation is necessary to use
> > these facilities with commercial apps. The scary thing is it appears to
> > be easier in NT than in GNU/Linux (see Andy's comments). Given NT's
> You can already do it in Linux. LD_PRELOAD and LD_LIBRARY_PATH allow you
> to control and modify linkloading order. If you get a static linked commercial
> binary just ask them for the object modules under the LGPL terms the C library
> has to rebuild it (or just for a dynamic binary)

I think the key thing is that the NT APIs allow you to do things like

handle := open(API-name);

FOREACH symbol IN handle.symbollist DO
IF is_function(symbol) THEN
... dynamically create code to marshall arguments,
... intercept syscall, and then call original syscall.

I.e. you do not have to know, a priori, what functions you want to intercept
- as you would have to if placing something on the path.
You can intercept them all.

Moreover, you can intercept a call to foo(), have it call your_foo(),
and then allow it to continue on to call the default foo().

Come to think of it, I suspect that Beowulf has something similar
- note that "marshalling arguments" is a classic RPC (remote procedure
call) term. Or maybe Beowulf doesn't need it?

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