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SubjectRe: NAT
>> In the Moment there are only computer in a) But in the Future all will
>> wander into the b) Net. For a short period of time the computer should be
>> reached in both Networks. BUT i don't have the possibility to give them
>> both IPs. So i thought about putting a Linux-Computer into the route which
>> translates the old Adress to the new, and back when the IP-Packet goes
>> back into "the world".

> Just give the interface _both_ addresses for now. It is quite possible
> (although quite inefficient) to run several IP networks on the same
> Ethernet.

> OTOH, why do you need to keep the IP address? If setup right, the DNS (or
> NIS, as the case may be) will take care of translating from an invariant
> name to the changing IP address.

DNS IS the problem.

Imagine you have and it has IP

For some reason you change the IP to for about a week you will
get requests to although you changed the IP to 11.1

Now Imagine you have a few hundret IP-Adresses you have to change. And a
mixed setup of Linux/Windows NS/DOS(Concorde)/... machines.

For short :
a) DNS IS the problem
b) I can't give both IPs to one machines. (There are enough machines i
can't even reach, where i call the customer and tell him to change to
the new IP. No chance to explaim them how to give the machines 2 IPs.
And enough machines where it simply isn't possibel)

Bis denn

Mein persoenliches (deutsches) Linux Lied: "Abenteuerland" von PUR

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