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SubjectRe: Building .config into the kernel
On Thu, Jan 14, 1999 at 07:32:59PM -0500, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> | Natch, YOU put it on the machine, but since then they've had a few
> | system crashes, and they've tried a few things, and anyway, your kernel
> | is the only one that's ever worked on their adaptec bus with the hp
> | surestore that can't be terminated actively without killing the machine,
> | and they'd _really_ like to know what the magic combo you used to
> | compile it with is.
> In a sense, that's a counterargument: what if the magic combo was a bit of
> code hackery? (Suggestions to embed the full kernel source code in the
> image will be laughed out of court...!)

Ah, that's where you get the 'listing the patches' bit advantage (and yes, I
think the two are pretty much related).

Obviously, people will have to be careful and actually *list* them (even if
all they say is 'adaptec-magic, 97/4/2'). At least you would know
this isn't the standard kernel. Knowing that, you've just saved yourself a
whole afternoon of compile-reboot-test cycles.

I typically patch little bits and pieces of my kernel. Currently, the only
way I can list these (without introducing yet another kernel
change) is to change the version string. I used to do that manually when
applying pre-patces and ac patches, for example.
However, this isn't a really good solution, as changing this causes a
recompilation of most of the kernel (if not all). And I'm on a 486 - it
takes an hour and 15 minutes to compile a kernel from scratch.

Being able to put a file somewhere, named 'ip-masq.patch', that has the line
'ip-masq fix (adding symbol to netsyms.c) - ac4 has it broken', and having
this line appear under /proc/patches - can make my life far easier. It can
cost nothing to those who don't want it.


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