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SubjectRe: Netscape broken with 2.2.0-pre7
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Jamie Lokier wrote:

> Yep, something real weird going on. Here's one with netscape. It
> locks up netscape 4.07 every time; I can't read slashdot ;-)

I was experiencing this problem with Netscape 4.5 and freshmeat a few days
ago on 2.2.0-pre4, and could reproduce it at will. I did a strace and saw
similiar output to what you found. After I rebooted to go to pre6, it
seemed to go away, but that could just be a coincidence, I suppose.

My issue with Netscape running under the latest 2.2.0-pre kernels is that
it still is leaking memory like a sieve. There was something unique to
the 131-ac11[23] kernels, which seemed to me to curtail its memory-eating
ways. I'm not overly familiar with the VM code, but maybe tomorrow I'll
experiment some to try and verify if that was just my imagination or not.
I ran 131ac11 for quite a while, and definitely would say that it felt
more "responsive" than the newer 2.2.0-pre kernels do.


Scott Murray email: ICQ#: 10602428
"Good, bad ... I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, "Army of Darkness"

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