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    Subjectdraft for review - press release
    Please make sure any replies go to

    earlier today I said I would draft up a press release for
    when linux 2.2.0 gets released because of the publicity.
    Anyway here it is. Please have a look and give me any suggestions
    that you might have. In particular I would like to order new
    features by importance, I'm sure I've missed some too. If
    people feel this job should be taken on by someone who has a
    high profile then I'll happily hand it over (i.e. I won't take
    it personally).

    Greg Smart


    The Linux kernel development team has released stable kernel version
    2.2.0. This release emcompasses the bug fixes and enhancements of the
    2.1.xx series of development kernels, and the 2.2.0 pre-release kernel
    series. This release supercedes stable kernel v2.0.36, and is intended
    for inclusion in GNU/Linux distributions.

    System Requirements of Linux kernel version 2.2.0:
    The minimum system requirements to run Linux 2.2.0 are a computer with a
    i386, i486, i586 or compatible processor, a single floppy drive and
    5MBytes of RAM. A minimum of 8MBytes of RAM is recommended for good
    A complete GNU/Linux system, complete with kernel sources, X windows and
    various applications requires approximately 80MBytes of hard disk space.
    The Linux kernel is available for several processors including Alpha,
    m68k, sparc and powerPC platforms. Other CPU ports are becoming
    available, including ARM and other risc processors.

    New features in version 2.2.0:
    The release of kernel version 2.2.0 introduces many new features, a
    review of most kernel components, and bug fixes of problems found in
    kernel series 2.0.xx. The new kernel features improved scalability,
    better kernel performance, support for many more devices, improved file
    system support and better reliability. The kernel is designed to meet
    the increasing demands placed on it by the GNU/Linux user community.

    The major new features/enhancements of version 2.2.0 include:
    - Improved kernel response time.
    - Improved SMP support for up to 16 processors.
    - supports workarounds for well known processor bugs.
    - full 64-bit processor support (Alpha, Sparc64).
    - processor vendor selection in kernel configuration tool.
    - complete support of Microchannel(IBM) bus.
    - Improved PCI bus support, including direct PCI scan.
    - addition of video4linux support for TV, radio and digital
    - USB support through kernel modules.
    - support added for parallel port IDE devices.
    - frame buffer console driver, for direct kernel graphics
    - addition of support for ROM file system.
    - improved support for Joliet,NTFS,FAT32,FAT and other legacy
    - new networking core, including bandwidth limiting.
    - support for coda (distributed fileystem).
    - support for RAID 0,1,4 and 5.
    - PCMCIA and IRDA support through kernel modules.

    Linux kernel development team. (

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