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SubjectRe: dspW
On Sat, 9 Jan 1999, Mike wrote:

>I read somewhere that /dev/dspW, char major 14 minor 5 could be used to
>play wav format files. Hpwever, this doesn't seem to work - cating a wav
>to it generates something that sounds vaguely like the wav but at the
>wrong sample speed. What gives?

This message has nothing to do with the kernel, or development,
rather it is an RTFM thing. /dev/dsp is the raw dsp device. It
does NOT understand wav files. Catting a wav to it will play the
raw sample data in the wav, but it will also treat the wav header
as raw data as well, and it plays the data at whatever rate the
dsp is set to.

Solution? Use a real program to play wav files.

Mike A. Harris - Computer Consultant - Linux advocate

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