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SubjectRe: Article: IBM wants to "clean up the license" of Linux
On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Craig Sanders wrote:

> debian uses standard sysvinit. Miquel van Smoorenburg (the author of
> sysvinit) is a debian developer, and has been for many years.
> BTW, redhat uses a NON-standard sysv style init. i don't like it, but
> it's not that hard to get used to. it's certainly better than bsd's
> monolithic /etc/rc or slackware's /etc/rc abomination.

You don't know what you are talking about. Slackware doesn't have
an /etc/rc file. Never has. Apparently your cluelessness is what
qualifies you to throw around words like 'abomination'

Debian has directories including but not only /etc/rc[0-6].d and
they (by default) contain nothing but a sylink to a script (mostly
the same one) in /etc/init.d.

Slackware has none of this involved, non-functional runaround. It
has the single directory /etc/rc.d containing a number of standard
scripts. Some are control scripts such as rc.M which are cited in
/etc/inittab and run by init, and others are secondary scripts such
are rc.inet1 and rc.cdrom which are only run (e.g. by rc.M) if they
have been made executable.

The Slackware arrangement has the advantage of intelligibility (you
only have to look in one place), and IMHO a certain elegance.
Debian probably gives a better foundation for corporate change
management in the startup files department. It's the kind of way
you do things when time and cost don't matter but control matters.

But Debian probably just did it that way to look like System V, and
you can think of the Slackware files as a creative simplification of
the System V rigmarole.

Michael Talbot-Wilson -------------------
"Many good morrows to my noble lord!" - Catesby greeting Hastings
(Richard III, Act III, Scene II).
... How do you pronounce W'ows, "Win" or "Woes"?

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