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SubjectRe: useful exercise
On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 02:12:05AM +0100, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
> Do you happen to know if
> const int C_FOO = 1;
> would lead to the other branch in an if(C_FOO) being optimized away?

I'm surprised to find it depends on the version of GCC. GCC
does _not_ optimise away the branch, but EGCS 1.0.3a does. I don't know
about GCC 2.8.1, as I don't have it installed.

I'm sure it once depended on C vs. C++. C would not optimise the
branch, but C++ would. I recall (mistakenly?) that C++ changed the
semantics of `const' to permit this sort of optimisation, while C had to
allow for `*(int *)&C_FOO = 2'.

Things must have moved on, because now EGCS seems quite willing to
optimise as if C_FOO is constant. This is a good thing.

> One of the things I am fairly certain of wrt gcc is that optimization is
> functionwise, which means that I don't know if globals will be
> considered at all when doing expression reduction.

See above. In C++ they have always been considered; it seems EGCS 1.0.3
at least considers them for C as well.

> If global constants aren't optimized as constants, then #define C_FOO
> 1 is forced upon us. Pity. The int has the advantage of possibly
> raising a warning in the future if used in an #ifdef (by mistake).

Well, there's not much you can do to _warn_ about #ifdef -- it is always
either true or false.

However, you can have a scheme which supports `if (CONFIG_XXX)', `#if
CONFIG_XXX' and `#ifdef CONFIG_XXX' all at the same time:

/* Enabled */
#define C_FOO C_FOO
const int C_FOO = 1;

/* Disabled */
#undef C_BAR
const int C_BAR = 0;

Do you like this? I do, if the compilers will optimise `const int'. As
GCC does _not_ optimise this, this has to be done with or after
a change in the official compiler used.

In fact, I like this so much I might use it in my future programs ;-)

-- Jamie

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