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SubjectRe: C++ in kernel (was Re: exception in a device driver)
And lo, Chip Salzenberg saith unto me:
> According to
> > This is precisely why I don't like C++. It take an awful lot of work to
> > reverse engineer what a C++ compiler is doing when there's overloading,
> > virtual classes, type coercion, function overloading, and all the rest.
> > This is why IMHO handing C++ to the average programmer seems roughly
> > comparable to handing a loaded .45 to a chimpanzee.
> You seriously expect average programmers to hack Linux? I don't.

It's the average programmers who will be writing the device drivers.
After all, if they were good with hardware and software then Transmeta
has already hired them, so if they're good with hardware and don't
work for Transmeta then they have only average ability to write the
driver with.

I don't want to give free reign for merely average programmers to throw
exceptions outside their code. Especially since last I knew C++ still
didn't force you to declare everything you throw...


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