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SubjectRe: C++ in kernel (was Re: exception in a device driver)
> to prevent the self pointer from being passed, make it a non-member function
> or make it a static member function, and stop complaining...or depending
> on what foofunc is notionally supposed to do, leave it non-static so the
> A writers of child classes don't have to fix it for you.

So to write optimal C++ I have to know at least as much as the internal
structure of the code than for C. Thats the point I was trying to get across
C++ is less efficient because the compiler cannot perform some optimisations it
can in C without help from the code writer.

Its exactly those kind of things that make C++ uninteresting for serious
performance sensitive and large projects. Poor language design - not poor
concepts - Linux is object oriented - but in C for example.


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