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SubjectRe: Linux 2.2.0pre2 Doesn't Like My 386
In article <597F8A30943CD21185CC00104BC6BCF67CE0AB@duntx005>,
Allison, Bob <> wrote:
>I have an interesting problem. I compiled 2.2.0-pre2 this morning on my
>386DX40 (I know, God-awful slow, but it's my router/firewall and I had
>the time). CONFIG_M386 is set, but at boot time 2.2.0-pre2 complains
>that I needed to build the kernel for a 386.
>The complaint occurs after checking the WP bit. The check fails, just like
>it does in 2.1.129; 2.2.0 doesn't seem to like the answer.

The problem is that I screwed up in the arch/i386/ file:
there's a line that reads something like

if [ "$CONFIG_M386" != "n" ]; then

and it should obviously test for != "y" (ie just change the "n" to a "y").

As it is, it does exactly the wrong thing, resulting in (a) i386
machines not working and (b) non-i386 compiles having the extra cruft
only needed for i386.

Duh. Colour me embarrassed,


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